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Support and Care

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Are you new to online study, finding it hard to navigate study life or do you still have some unanswered questions?

Wherever you are in your student journey, our student service and care team is committed to supporting you to ensure that you gain your qualification.

Pastoral Care

At Te Rito Maioha, our support for students is guided by:

Our student service hub is strategically located in Wellington; Te Whanganui-a-Tara to better support students from across the motu. The student service team is the first point of contact for initial enquiries regarding programme selection, fees, application processing, enrolment through to graduation coordination.

At our Regional Education Center, our dedicated team of regional education leaders, lecturers and pouako are available to support students’ physical and mental health, well-being and safety, and connection to their language, identity, and culture.

To help you navigate study life and achieve your qualification, our Regional Education Center offers:

  • Personal support
    All students with any needs or concerns relating to wellbeing, health, mental health, or safety may talk confidentially with lecturers or regional education leaders. Students will be offered proactive support and, if needed, staff will connect students to agencies with expertise, skills and resources to support them.

  • Interactive Events
    All new students will take part in comprehensive online or in-person orientation sessions to; meet staff and other students, learn about the organisation and their programme of study, learning systems, resources and support.

  • Students with disabilities or additional needs
    We will support students who have identified a health, disability or additional learning need to create individual plans to guide their learning and support.
    To support our neurodiverse tauira who want a learning assessment we offer tauira support grants

The team also remains available via Zoom, phone and scheduled face-to-face visits, from 08:00 am - 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday to assist.

International Student Support

We understand that moving to New Zealand can prompt feelings of fear and uncertainty but rest assured that our team is here to help you find your way.

For our international students, we provide additional support:

  • In-person support
    Regional education leaders based in 11 centers around New Zealand are the first point of contact, pastoral support and information for our international students.
    Your Regional Education Leader will:
    • connect you to relevant local community ethnic groups
    • organise activities for new international students, host families, ECE center staff, and Te Rito Maioha staff to build relationships
    • provide advice and information on courses, local health services, accommodation and living in New Zealand.

  • New Zealand buddy
    You will have a buddy, who is either another student or recent graduate, to help you navigate study and life in New Zealand with ease.

  • Translator
    A teacher who can speak your language will be assigned to you or translation services will be made available to support you when needed.

Student Tools

Get answers to common questions about applying, enrolling, learning, graduating and being an international student at Te Rito Maioha.

Raise a Complaint

At Te Rito Maioha, we aim to provide outstanding support and care. If a student is not satisfied with the support they receive or believe that we have not met the Education code of practice 2021 (pastoral care of tertiary and international learners), here are some steps you can take to lodge a complaint.

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