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Postgraduate Diploma in Leadership (ECE)

Pōkairua Tautara i te Ārahitanga (ECE)

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  2. Postgraduate Diploma in Leadership (ECE)

Level: 8

Credits: 120

Intakes: 2 per year


Full-time: 1 year

Part-time: 2 years

Application closing dates:

Semester 2, 2025: 30 June 2025

Great early childhood education depends on great leadership. Elevate your leadership skillset and capabilities to bring about both sustainable leadership and educational change.

“Wow what can I say? I just finished my teacher appraisals today and the rich feedback that I received from my team about loving their jobs and enjoying being a professional teacher was very heartwarming.

The rich kōrero and learning that has happened for me this year during my studies has made a massive impact on our early learning service. I have learnt so much and I appreciate every single whakairo.”

Katrina Brewer
Postgraduate Diploma in Leadership (ECE) Graduate
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