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Who We Are

Te Whare

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Our Purpose

Tō tātou kaupapa

To inspire, empower and educate teachers and learners, embracing cultures and languages to ensure every child’s potential is ignited.

Kia whakahihiko, kia whakamana, kia hoatu rā te mātauranga me te āheinga ki ngā kaiako me ngā tauira e pōwhiritia ana ngā ahurea, ngā reo rangatira o te ao, kia tutūngia e rātou te pito mata kei ia tamaiti.

Our Values

Ngā Uara

Making a difference | Te puawaitanga o te tangata
Honouring Te Tiriti o Waitangi | E matua whakapono ana tātou ki te Tiriti
Including everyone | Whakawhanaungatanga
Being accountable | Kia tāea te hāpai i ngā kaupapa katoa ahakoa te aha
Caring and connecting | Manaakitanga
Innovating | Whakahihiko hinengaro

Our Commitment

Te Pae Tata

We are a bicultural organisation committed to advocacy, teaching, research, promotion, and delivery of world class teacher education for tamariki, whānau, kaiako, ECE services and schools. We respond by being connected, contributing and agile to ensure successful learning happens together.

He rōpū tikanga-a-rua ā Te Rito Maioha, ko tā mātou e manawanui nei, he whakaako, he rangahau, he whakatuarā, kia tautoko ngā tamariki, ngā whānau, ngā kaiako, me ngā whare kōhungahunga katoa. Kia pai ai tā mātou mahi, ka mau kaha nei ki ngā tūhononga, kia kakama tātou ki te ako ngātahi, kia pūmau ki te angitu.

Our Guiding Beliefs

Ngā Arataki Whakapono

  • Every child | tamaiti has the right to high-quality education that complements and supports their and their family | whānau and community life.

  • Every child | tamaiti in Aotearoa New Zealand has the right to know and enjoy the dual cultural heritage of Te Tiriti o Waitangi partners along with their own cultural heritage.

  • People working in early childhood and primary education have access to high-quality teacher | kaiako education, advice, information, resources, to aide their decision-making that affects their profession, children | tamariki and families | whānau.

  • That teacher education is focused on cultivating reflective practitioners. Teachers should be well-versed in content knowledge and pedagogical strategies and continuously reflect on their experiences, adapt their practices, and engage in lifelong learning.

  • Our education programmes empower kaiako and educators to meet the diverse needs of their children | tamariki and contribute positively to their communities.

About us

Ko Mātou

Te Rito Maioha is an Incorporated Society of members committed to high quality early education for every child. Established in 1963, we are an influential leader in shaping today’s early childhood sector through advocacy, policy, and delivering tertiary education qualifications and professional development programmes for current and future early childhood and primary education teachers.

Our bicultural kaupapa, te reo Māori me ōna tikanga, is embedded throughout everything we do and teach. We are committed to ensuring the success of our Pacific nation students across the motu by growing authentic relationships that embrace students’ whānau and communities across our programmes.

Through our membership we advocate for early childhood education services and the kaiako who provide education to thousands of infants, toddlers, tamariki and young people. Our members are drawn from a diverse range of community-based, privately-owned, kindergarten and homebased early childhood education services and teachers.

Te Rito Maioha is a registered Private Training Establishment (PTE) with the highest rating for a tertiary provider in Aotearoa New Zealand. We are accredited and approved by New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) to deliver a range of early childhood and primary school undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate qualifications (levels 5-9), including specialist kaiako education, both nationally and internationally.

The organisation has delivered teacher education since 1980 and is governed by a Council made up of elected and appointed members, led by a National President and supported by a National Kaumātua. Our national office is in Wellington and our teaching staff are employed at 11 regional education centres | takiwā ako throughout Aotearoa New Zealand.

We are committed to achieving high-quality teaching and learning by:

  • increasing teachers’ | kaiako knowledge of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and Aotearoa New Zealand’s dual cultural heritage;
  • providing access to blended delivery through online and face-to-face, with practical real-life exposure and experiences through undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate tertiary education programmes leading to recognised and approved qualifications;
  • promoting quality teaching and leadership through ongoing professional learning and development programmes;
  • providing advocacy and a range of unique resources and services to our early childhood education members;
  • collaborating with New Zealand and international partnerships to strengthen research and teacher education.
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