Life in Aotearoa New Zealand
Ngā Āhuatanga o Aotearoa
Before you arrive in New Zealand, make sure you get good information and advice on accommodation, living costs, transport and other things you need to know.
The official New Zealand Education website is a good place to find comprehensive advice on studying and living in New Zealand as an international student. You will also find useful information for international students on the official government Immigration New Zealand website:
Living in New Zealand - Education New Zealand
New Zealand Immigration
What it costs to live in New Zealand may be quite different from your home country. How it compares depends on what part of New Zealand you settle in. In general, Auckland and Wellington cost more to live in than cities like Christchurch, Dunedin and Nelson. Regional centres such as Rotorua, Gisborne, Hastings and Whangarei cost less to live in.
You should budget $300 or more per week for living costs in addition to rent or homestay accommodation costs. Calculate what your typical living costs may be on the New Zealand Education website.
As an international student at Te Rito Maioha, you may be able to work while you are studying. This means you may seek paid work in an early learning centre or school as part of your study, or work for other employers to gain income.
Check your visa - it will show if you’re allowed to work while studying. If you work when you’re not allowed to, you will be in breach of your visa condition and may have to leave New Zealand. To find out about the types of work you can do and how many hours you can work, go to the official government site for advice on student visas.
Although Te Rito Maioha does not offer student accommodation, we can provide information on accommodation options.
It is important you organise your accommodation before you leave your home country. There are several options available:
Homestays/private boarding
Homestays with a family, where you live with a New Zealand family in their home, is a popular option for international students. You are provided with a furnished room and meals and enjoy the company of the family or homestay host.
Private boarding is similar to family homestays, but without being included into the family environment. There may be other students at the house as well.
Renting a room or house
You can rent a house or apartment on your own or rent a room in a house with others.
The best place to start your search for a house, room or flatmate is online but allow plenty of time to find somewhere to live as the rental market can be competitive.
Make sure you find out renting laws and processes before you sign any agreements or pay money to a landlord or property agency:
Information for new tenants » Tenancy Services
New to renting » Tenancy Services
You can find homes to rent and flatmates at Trade Me, easyRoomate, NZFlatmates, FlatFinder, Facebook Marketplace, Roomgo, Student Flats, RealEstate, and Roomies.
Find out the cost of renting properties in different locations: Market rent – Tenancy Services
Temporary Accommodation
For students who are studying for short periods there are many short-term accommodation options, including backpackers, hostels, and Airbnb.
When arranging these, we recommend you use a well-recognised provider.
Please contact us if you need more information about accommodation in the location you will be studying.
Driving in New Zealand may be different from what you’re used to, with different rules. We recommend you find out what you need to know:
New residents and visitors – driving on NZ roads
New Zealand road rules