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Education for sustainability - 3 part series

Education for sustainability - 3 part series


This webinar series reviews the UNWCE’s definition of sustainability, and why education for sustainability is important.

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Part 1 – The Social & Cultural Pillar - The social and cultural pillar supports protection of the environment and sustainability. This webinar will unpick what social and cultural sustainability might look like in an early childhood centre in terms of books, toys and resources, social and cultural diversity, equity and equality, and collaboration beyond the early childhood setting.

Part 2 – The Environmental Pillar - This pillar is central to environmental sustainability to ensure that future generations have a world to live in. Environmental sustainability is about respect for nature and protection of the planet.

Part 3 – The Economic Pillar - The economic pillar is embedded within political ideology, however, there are things we can do in an early childhood setting. The most obvious are reducing energy consumption, saving water, and reducing, reusing and recycling. This webinar will finish with a brief review of sustainability and the three pillars.

Time to complete each part: 50 - 60 minutes

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