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Developing a deeper understanding of Te Whariki - 5 part series
This five-part webinar series looks at traditional and present-day Māori concepts that relate to each strand, and how kaiako can apply this kaupapa every day in early childhood services.
While closely related, the English and Māori meanings of the five Te Whāriki strands have different cultural connotations – they’re not the same.
This five-part webinar series looks at traditional and present-day Māori concepts that relate to each strand, and how kaiako can apply this kaupapa every day in early childhood services.
For early childhood kaiako of all levels, the webinars offer deeper understanding, practical exemplars from ECE services, and community perspectives.
You’ll get access to online resources such as pūrākau, waiata and further information as you go through the webinars.
- Webinar 1 - Mana Whenua: te ao Māori view of being and belonging to people, places and the environment.
- Webinar 2 - Mana Tangata: the mana of people, the role of whakapapa in affirming tamariki as individuals.
- Webinar 3 - Mana Reo: communication with an overview of mana reo and te reo Māori and exemplars of mana reo in practice.
- Webinar 4 - Mana Autūroa: exploring, learning about and being active in the environment, kaitiakitanga and sustainability.
- Webinar 5 - Mana Atua: wellbeing, protecting and nurturing our tamariki.
Each webinar takes approximately 45 mins to an hour to complete

Presenter: Arapera Herewini-Card, Pouhere Kaupapa Māori | Senior Advisor Māori, Te Rito Maioha
Arapera has been employed with Te Rito Maioha for over ten years. Her roles within the organisation have been as a Pouako, Subject Group leader, Curriculum Advisor and Base Coordinator for the Manukau Regional Education Centre. Arapera works confidently not only within the Māori community but also across the diverse cultures that exist within Aotearoa New Zealand.

Presenter: Dr Lesley Rameka, Previous National President, Te Rito Maioha ECNZ
Lesley is a Senior Research Fellow at the Faculty of Education, University of Waikato. She has worked in early childhood education for over 35years, beginning her journey in te kōhanga reo, and working in a number of professional development and tertiary education providers over the years.
PLD Traits
- Delivery
- Online
- Topic
- Curriculum