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Ngā Kaimahi Mātauranga

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Debbie Woolston

Senior Lecturer

Pūkenga Matua

Whangārei | Te Tai Tokerau


Debbie lectures in the Bachelor of Teaching (ECE) programme, teaching Te Ha o Te Kaiako courses. She is passionate about supporting tauira to develop their early childhood practice through practicum experiences.

Education Background

Debbie has been involved in early childhood education her whole career, beginning with a kindergarten teaching qualification and working in Northland and Auckland kindergartens in multiple head teacher and leadership roles. She joined Te Rito Maioha in 2015.

Research Background

Debbie’s Master of Education focused on the role of associate teachers in early childhood education. Her research interests tend toward understanding and improving the practicum experience in initial teacher education, with a specific focus on the relationship between associate teachers and students. Debbie was also the recipient for our Emerging Researcher award for 2024.

Teaching Interests

Debbie has always been interested in exploring different philosophies and ideas and is passionate about aesthetic and natural environments. Her personal philosophy is influenced by the Pikler approach. She believes relationships are the key to all aspects of early childhood education and brings her experience and beliefs into her work with tauira in initial teacher education.

Recent Publications

Woolston, D., & Wilson, C. (2024). Growing associate teachers’ capacity to be leaders: Recognising effective leadership during practicum. In T. Carlyon and R. Merry (Eds). Effective leadership in early childhood and primary school education in Aotearoa New Zealand (pp. 99–111). NZCER. ISBN 978-1-99-004096-2

Carlyon, T., Cameron, M., Maxwell, A., Woolston, D., Hue Chew Kuen, J., & Ngadni, I. (2023). Early Childhood Curriculum Comparison: Aotearoa New Zealand and Malaysia. Asia-Pacific Journal of Research in Early Childhood Education. 17(3), 1-20.

Woolston, D., & Dayman, T. (2022). Practicum: A space for leadership and mentoring. New Zealand Journal of Teachers’ Work, 19(1), 29-45.

Woolston, D. (2019). Understanding the motivation of associate teachers in early childhood education. Early Childhood Folio, 24(1), 24–28. doi:10.18296/ecf.0067 https://doi.org/10.18296/ecf.0067

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