Early Childhood Lunch Programme Welcomed Relief

“The inclusion of 10,000 two-to-five-year-olds in a new targeted lunch programme is very welcomed,” says Te Rito Maioha Chief Executive Kathy Wolfe.

“This will bring huge relief to families and early childhood providers of our young tamariki in low equity and not-for-profit centres.”  

“It’s encouraging the government has listened to the public, as the Healthy School Lunches Programme makes a huge difference for children and families.”

“It is proven that nutritious food is vital for every growing child including essential for their learning. Having the programme extend to early learning is promising and we hope that the government under the redesign of the programme will see the success of the programme and extend it even further than 10,000 two-to-five-year-olds.” 

“The targeting needs to be carefully worked out so the programmes reach all those who need it.”

“We are keen to work with the ministry to ensure the programme is implemented to its full successful potential, and there are no unforeseen consequences such as cost, barriers to accessibility and current regulation.”

Te Rito Maioha Early Childhood New Zealand is a leader in early childhood and primary education – growing teachers, leaders, knowledge, and bicultural practice so every child learns and thrives. As a membership organisation we are a strong voice for young children and quality education, advocating for the ECE sector and connecting our members with the latest sector-related issues, policy and professional development.  As a specialist tertiary provider with 11 centres, we grow valued teachers, educators, leaders and experts with diploma, degree and postgraduate qualifications in early childhood and primary education.

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